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what's Encryption ? | BHS

Written By Tao on dimanche 1 décembre 2013 | 15:33

Encryption is the process of disguising information to

make it unreadable by those who lack the tools to

decipher it. This process has been used for centuries

to send secret messages. It has been traced back to

the Romans and has been actively used by the

military ever since. Encryption has become increasingly important as a way to keep information

sent over the Internet private.

One common encryption system substitutes numbers

for letters. This substitution procedure is called a key.

Normally, the sender and the receiver agree on a key,

and this key remains secret. Only those who know the

key can encode and decode messages. This is called

symmetric encryption, since messages use a single key for both encryption and decryption.

Another encryption method, called asymmetric

encryption, has become popular for online

transactions - you use it every time you check your

bank account online or do online shopping.

Asymmetric encryption uses a separate pair of keys

for each user: a private key known only to the receiver and a public key known by everybody. A

sender encrypts messages using the receiver's public

key, but only the receiver can decipher it with her

private key. Although it sounds more complicated, the

principle is the same: a secret key is required to be

able to understand the message.

via oneofthebest All articles about hacking have only an educational goal and we are not responsible

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